ZANDER References
UPDATE 10/12/2023
For all updates, applications and 2024 prices
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O.E.M code | TAURUS code |
1030A | T-M1207 | In-Line Filter |
1030V | T-M1208 | In-Line Filter |
1030X | T-M1209 | In-Line Filter |
1030XP | T-M1209 | In-Line Filter |
1030XP4 | T-M1209 | In-Line Filter |
1030Y | T-M3183 | ln-Line Filter |
1030Z | T-M1210 | ln-Line Filter |
1030ZP | T-M1210 | ln-Line Filter |
1030ZX | T-M1210 | ln-Line Filter |
1050A | T-M12090 | In-Line Filter |
1050V | T-M11790 | ln-Line Filter |
1050VA | T-M11790 | ln-Line Filter |
1050X | T-M11990 | In-Line Filter |
1050XP | T-M11990 | In-Line Filter |
1050XP4 | T-M11990 | In-Line Filter |
1050Z | T-M11890 | ln-Line Filter |
1050ZP | T-M11890 | ln-Line Filter |
1050ZX | T-M11890 | ln-Line Filter |
1070A | T-M12490 | ln-Line Filter |
1070V | T-M12190 | ln-Line Filter |
1070VA | T-M12190 | ln-Line Filter |
1070X | T-M12390 | ln-Line Filter |
1070XP | T-M12390 | ln-Line Filter |
1070XP4 | T-M12390 | ln-Line Filter |
1070Y | T-M3197 | ln-Line Filter |
1070Z | T-M12290 | ln-Line Filter |
1070ZP | T-M12290 | ln-Line Filter |
1140A | T-M12890 | ln-Line Filter |
1140V | T-M12590 | ln-Line Filter |
1140X | T-M12790 | ln-Line Filter |
1140XP | T-M12790 | ln-Line Filter |
1140Y | T-M3198 | ln-Line Filter |
1140Z | T-M12690 | ln-Line Filter |
1140ZP | T-M12690 | ln-Line Filter |
2010A | T-M13290 | ln-Line Filter |
2010V | T-M12990 | ln-Line Filter |
2010X | T-M13190 | ln-Line Filter |
2010XP | T-M13190 | ln-Line Filter |
2010Y | T-M3199 | ln-Line Filter |
2010Z | T-M13090 | ln-Line Filter |
2010ZP | T-M13090 | ln-Line Filter |
2020A | T-M13690 | ln-Line Filter |
2020V | T-M13390 | ln-Line Filter |
2020X | T-M13590 | ln-Line Filter |
2020XP | T-M13590 | ln-Line Filter |
2020Y | T-M3200 | ln-Line Filter |
2020Z | T-M13490 | ln-Line Filter |
2020ZP | T-M13490 | ln-Line Filter |
2030A | T-M14090 | ln-Line Filter |
2030V | T-M13790 | ln-Line Filter |
2030X | T-M13990 | ln-Line Filter |
2030XP | T-M13990 | ln-Line Filter |
2030Y | T-M3201 | ln-Line Filter |
2030Z | T-M13890 | ln-Line Filter |
2030ZP | T-M13890 | ln-Line Filter |
2050A | T-M14490 | ln-Line Filter |
2050V | T-M14190 | ln-Line Filter |
2050X | T-M14390 | ln-Line Filter |
2050XP | T-M14390 | ln-Line Filter |
2050Y | T-M3202 | ln-Line Filter |
2050Z | T-M14290 | ln-Line Filter |
2050ZP | T-M14290 | ln-Line Filter |
3050A | T-M14890 | ln-Line Filter |
3050V | T-M14590 | ln-Line Filter |
3050X | T-M14790 | ln-Line Filter |
3050XP | T-M14790 | ln-Line Filter |
3050Y | T-M3203 | ln-Line Filter |
3050Z | T-M14690 | ln-Line Filter |
3050ZP | T-M14690 | ln-Line Filter |
3075A | T-M15290 | ln-Line Filter |
3075V | T-M14990 | ln-Line Filter |
3075X | T-M15190 | ln-Line Filter |
3075XP | T-M15190 | ln-Line Filter |
3075Y | T-M3204 | ln-Line Filter |
3075Z | T-M15090 | ln-Line Filter |
3075ZP | T-M15090 | ln-Line Filter |
5060A | T-M135190 | ln-Line Filter |
5060V | T-M134990 | ln-Line Filter |
5060X | T-M135090 | ln-Line Filter |
5060XP | T-M135090 | ln-Line Filter |
5060Y | T-M3205 | ln-Line Filter |
5060Z | T-M135290 | ln-Line Filter |
5060ZP | T-M135290 | ln-Line Filter |
5075A | T-M15690 | ln-Line Filter |
5075V | T-M15390 | ln-Line Filter |
5075X | T-M15590 | ln-Line Filter |
5075XP | T-M15590 | ln-Line Filter |
5075Y | T-M3206 | ln-Line Filter |
5075Z | T-M15490 | ln-Line Filter |
5075ZP | T-M15490 | ln-Line Filter |
A09T | T-M3251 | In-Line Filter |
A13T | T-M3252 | In-Line Filter |
A14T | T-M3253 | In-Line Filter |
A18T | T-M3254 | In-Line Filter |
A19T | T-M3255 | In-Line Filter |
BL1160 | T-M3220 | In-Line Filter |
BL2026 | T-M3221 | In-Line Filter |
BL2038 | T-M3222 | In-Line Filter |
BL2055 | T-M3223 | In-Line Filter |
BL3055 | T-M3224 | In-Line Filter |
BL3080 | T-M3225 | In-Line Filter |
CP1008A | T-M11170 | ln-Line Filter |
CP1008VL | T-M11140 | ln-Line Filter |
CP1008XL | T-M11160 | ln-Line Filter |
CP1008ZL | T-M11150 | ln-Line Filter |
CP2010A | T-M11171 | ln-Line Filter |
CP2010VL | T-M11141 | ln-Line Filter |
CP2010XL | T-M11161 | ln-Line Filter |
CP2010ZL | T-M11151 | ln-Line Filter |
CP2020A | T-M11172 | ln-Line Filter |
CP2020VL | T-M11142 | ln-Line Filter |
CP2020XL | T-M11162 | ln-Line Filter |
CP2020ZL | T-M11152 | ln-Line Filter |
CP3025A | T-M11173 | ln-Line Filter |
CP3025VL | T-M11143 | ln-Line Filter |
CP3025XL | T-M11163 | ln-Line Filter |
CP3025ZL | T-M11153 | ln-Line Filter |
CP3040A | T-M11174 | ln-Line Filter |
CP3040VL | T-M11144 | ln-Line Filter |
CP3040XL | T-M11164 | ln-Line Filter |
CP3040ZL | T-M11154 | ln-Line Filter |
CP4040A | T-M11175 | ln-Line Filter |
CP4040VL | T-M11145 | ln-Line Filter |
CP4040XL | T-M11165 | ln-Line Filter |
CP4040ZL | T-M11155 | ln-Line Filter |
CP4050A | T-M11176 | ln-Line Filter |
CP4050VL | T-M11146 | ln-Line Filter |
CP4050XL | T-M11166 | ln-Line Filter |
CP4050ZL | T-M11156 | ln-Line Filter |
CP4065A | T-M11177 | ln-Line Filter |
CP4065VL | T-M11147 | ln-Line Filter |
CP4065XL | T-M11167 | ln-Line Filter |
CP4065ZL | T-M11157 | ln-Line Filter |
CP5065A | T-M11178 | ln-Line Filter |
CP5065VL | T-M11148 | ln-Line Filter |
CP5065XL | T-M11168 | ln-Line Filter |
CP5065ZL | T-M11158 | ln-Line Filter |
CP5080A | T-M11179 | ln-Line Filter |
CP5080VL | T-M11149 | ln-Line Filter |
CP5080XL | T-M11169 | ln-Line Filter |
CP5080ZL | T-M11159 | ln-Line Filter |
D09T 1micron | T-M3231 | In-Line Filter |
D09T 25micron | T-M3226 | In-Line Filter |
D13T 1micron | T-M3232 | In-Line Filter |
D13T 25micron | T-M3227 | In-Line Filter |
D14T 1micron | T-M3233 | In-Line Filter |
D14T 25micron | T-M3228 | In-Line Filter |
D18T 1micron | T-M3234 | In-Line Filter |
D18T 25micron | T-M3229 | In-Line Filter |
D19T 1micron | T-M3235 | In-Line Filter |
D19T 25micron | T-M3230 | In-Line Filter |
EcosepS1 | T-WS009 | Oil-Water Separator |
EcosepS2-S15 | T-WS010 | Oil-Water Separator |
EcosepS30 | T-WS011 | Oil-Water Separator |
EcosepS60 | T-WS012 | Oil-Water Separator |
EcosepSL1 | T-WS022 | Oil-Water Separator |
EcosepSL15 | T-WS026 | Oil-Water Separator |
EcosepSL2 | T-WS022 | Oil-Water Separator |
EcosepSL30 | T-WS027 | Oil-Water Separator |
EcosepSL5 | T-WS022 | Oil-Water Separator |
EcosepSL60 | T-WS028 | Oil-Water Separator |
EcosepSL8 | T-WS023 | Oil-Water Separator |
HB09T | T-M3207 | ln-Line Filter |
HB13T | T-M3208 | In-Line Filter |
HB14T | T-M3209 | In-Line Filter |
HB18T | T-M3210 | In-Line Filter |
HB19T | T-M3211 | In-Line Filter |
PST-R02/10 | T-M11068 | In-Line Filter |
PST-R03/10 | T-M11069 | In-Line Filter |
PST-R04/10 | T-M11070 | In-Line Filter |
PST-R04/20 | T-M11071 | In-Line Filter |
PST-R05/20 | T-M11072 | In-Line Filter |
PST-R05/25 | T-M11073 | In-Line Filter |
PST-R05/30 | T-M11075 | ln-Line Filter |
PST-R07/25 | T-M11074 | ln-Line Filter |
PST-R07/30 | T-M11076 | ln-Line Filter |
PST-R10/30 | T-M11077 | ln-Line Filter |
PST-R15/30 | T-M11078 | ln-Line Filter |
PST-R20/30 | T-M11079 | ln-Line Filter |
PST-R30/30 | T-M11080 | ln-Line Filter |
PST-R30/50 | T-M11081 | ln-Line Filter |
SRF05/20 | T-M1480 | ln-Line Filter |
SRF05/25 | T-M1481 | ln-Line Filter |
SRF07/25 | T-M1482 | ln-Line Filter |
SRF07/30 | T-M1483 | ln-Line Filter |
SRF10/30 | T-M1484 | ln-Line Filter |
SRF15/30 | T-M1485 | ln-Line Filter |
SRF20/30 | T-M1486 | ln-Line Filter |
SRF30/30 | T-M1487 | ln-Line Filter |
SRF30/50 | T-M1488 | ln-Line Filter |
STR10/3 | T-M1484 | ln-Line Filter |
ST-R1080 | T-M3212 | In-Line Filter |
ST-R1160 | T-M3213 | In-Line Filter |
STR15/3 | T-M1464 | ln-Line Filter |
STR20/3 | T-M1465 | ln-Line Filter |
ST-R2016 | T-M3214 | In-Line Filter |
ST-R2026 | T-M3215 | In-Line Filter |
ST-R2038 | T-M3216 | In-Line Filter |
ST-R2055 | T-M3217 | In-Line Filter |
STR3/1 | T-M1466 | ln-Line Filter |
STR3/1,5 | T-M1467 | ln-Line Filter |
STR30/3 | T-M1468 | ln-Line Filter |
STR30/5 | T-M1469 | ln-Line Filter |
ST-R3055 | T-M11737 | In-Line Filter |
ST-R3080 | T-M3219 | In-Line Filter |
STR4/1,5 | T-M1470 | ln-Line Filter |
STR4/2,5 | T-M1471 | ln-Line Filter |
STR5/2,5 | T-M1472 | ln-Line Filter |
STR5/3 | T-M1473 | ln-Line Filter |
V09T | T-M3236 | In-Line Filter |
V13T | T-M3237 | In-Line Filter |
V14T | T-M3238 | In-Line Filter |
V18T | T-M3239 | In-Line Filter |
V19T | T-M3240 | In-Line Filter |
WAT2 | T-WS010 | Oil-Water Separator |
WAT3 | T-WS011 | Oil-Water Separator |
WT1 | T-WS010 | Oil-Water Separator |
WT10 | T-WS085 | Oil-Water Separator |
WT2 | T-WS011 | Oil-Water Separator |
WT20 | T-WS086 | Oil-Water Separator |
WT30 | T-WS087 | Oil-Water Separator |
WT5 | T-WS084 | Oil-Water Separator |
XP09T | T-M3246 | In-Line Filter |
XP13T | T-M3247 | In-Line Filter |
XP14T | T-M3248 | In-Line Filter |
XP18T | T-M3249 | In-Line Filter |
XP19T | T-M3250 | In-Line Filter |
ZP09T | T-M3241 | In-Line Filter |
ZP13T | T-M3242 | In-Line Filter |
ZP14T | T-M3243 | In-Line Filter |
ZP18T | T-M3244 | In-Line Filter |
ZP19T | T-M3245 | In-Line Filter |