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Taurus Filters Corporation srl
Via Rocciamelone 25
10050 Sant'Antonino di Susa (TO) ITALY



  FIRSTAIR      References

                                                                                                                                                                                  UPDATE  08/12/2023

                                                     For all updates, applications and 2024 prices

                                                 please request the password for download the files.

             Please click here for download

O.E.M code TAURUS code


MKO0150KIT T-M12195 ln-Line Filter
MKO1210KIT T-M12198 ln-Line Filter
MKO1820KIT T-M12201 ln-Line Filter
MKO2700KIT T-M12202 ln-Line Filter
MKO50KIT T-M12199 ln-Line Filter
MKO70KIT T-M12200 ln-Line Filter
MKO851KIT T-M12197 ln-Line Filter
71112111-48100-H T-FO32105580 Oil Filter
71125114-66130 T-A87134460 Air Filter
71125414-66130 T-A87135560 Air Filter
9610221-20330-Z T-FS990256 Air-Oil Separator
EC10 T-M12168 ln-Line Filter
EC15 T-M12169 ln-Line Filter
EC150 T-M12174 ln-Line Filter
EC20 T-M12170 ln-Line Filter
EC220 T-M12175 ln-Line Filter
EC290 T-M12176 ln-Line Filter
EC30 T-M12171 ln-Line Filter
EC55 T-M12172 ln-Line Filter
EC625 T-M12178 ln-Line Filter
EC775 T-M12179 ln-Line Filter
EC95 T-M12173 ln-Line Filter
EM10 T-M12132 ln-Line Filter
EM15 T-M12133 ln-Line Filter
EM150 T-M12138 ln-Line Filter
EM20 T-M12134 ln-Line Filter
EM220 T-M12139 ln-Line Filter
EM290 T-M12140 ln-Line Filter
EM30 T-M12135 ln-Line Filter
EM430 T-M12141 ln-Line Filter
EM55 T-M12136 ln-Line Filter
EM625 T-M12142 ln-Line Filter
EM775 T-M12143 ln-Line Filter
EM95 T-M12137 ln-Line Filter
EP10 T-M12120 ln-Line Filter
EP15 T-M12121 ln-Line Filter
EP150 T-M12126 ln-Line Filter
EP20 T-M12122 ln-Line Filter
EP220 T-M12127 ln-Line Filter
EP290 T-M12128 ln-Line Filter
EP30 T-M12123 ln-Line Filter
EP430 T-M12129 ln-Line Filter
EP55 T-M12124 ln-Line Filter
EP625 T-M12130 ln-Line Filter
EP775 T-M12131 ln-Line Filter
EP95 T-M12125 ln-Line Filter
ES10 T-M12156 ln-Line Filter
ES15 T-M12157 ln-Line Filter
ES150 T-M12162 ln-Line Filter
ES20 T-M12158 ln-Line Filter
ES220 T-M12163 ln-Line Filter
ES290 T-M12164 ln-Line Filter
ES30 T-M12159 ln-Line Filter
ES430 T-M12165 ln-Line Filter
ES55 T-M12160 ln-Line Filter
ES625 T-M12166 ln-Line Filter
ES775 T-M12167 ln-Line Filter
ES95 T-M12161 ln-Line Filter


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